a waste of blood

M/matt elliott 2014. 10. 6. 12:39

당신이 마지막으로 머문 자리에, 거대한 크레이터가 남았습니다

우리에게 단 한 가지 죄가 있다면

틀린 시간, 틀린 장소에 있었다는 것이겠지요

그래서 우리가 죽은 겁니다

동업자의 배반으로 모든 게 결정됩니다

우리 목숨에 가격표가 붙는 거죠

이런 일은 끝도 없이 일어납니다

그것이 우리 죽음의 전말입니다

우리는 그렇게 죽었던 겁니다

And the craters remain from the last time you came

And seemingly our only crime was wrong place, wrong time

And that's why we died

Decisions were made by some corporate ingrates

Put a price on all of our lives, happens all the time

And that's why we died

And that's why we died

And that's why we died

And that's why we died

And that's why we died

And that's why we died

That's why we died

a waste of blood / matt elliott

translated by lonegunman