something in the way

N/nirvana 2008. 8. 7. 18:53

머리 위로 물이 새는 다리 밑에서
야생 동물들을 잡아 애완 동물처럼 키우며
약간의 풀과 천장에서 떨어지는 물만으로 연명한다
그래도 물고기를 먹는 건 괜찮아
물고기에겐 감정이 없으니까

그런데, 무언가가
문득 무엇인가가..

Underneath the bridge
The tarp has sprung a leak
The animals I've trapped have all become my pets.
And I'm living off of grass and drippings from the ceiling.
It's OK to eat fish, 'cause they don't have any feelings.

Something in the way. Mmm-hmm...

something in the way / nirvana
translated by lonegunman

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